Birds with polenta

Birds with polenta
Birds with polenta 5 1 Stefano Moraschini


Clean birds, entrails, svuotateli fiammeggiateli wash drain them well and sprinkle the pretzels pepateli internally and externally.

With a small knife cut the polenta slices to get the bowls and, if desired, smussatele all around to give them a regular oval shape.

Put to fire a piece of butter with a little oil, add the garlic clove and let it just barely Cook.

Pour into clean and sliced mushrooms, sprinkle the pretzels, pepateli and cook slowly, occasionally mixing and combining, if necessary, very little hot water.

When cooked with chopped parsley spolverizzateli eliminating the garlic.

Aside from Brown in a pan with another bit of butter a little oil and Sage leaves the birds, turning constantly.

Then spray them with half a glass of white wine and let evaporate.

Fry the bowls of porridge in remaining butter and plenty of oil.

Drain arrange on a serving dish, fill with cooked mushrooms and warm and well placed on each bowl two birds.

Gathered together the cooking sauce of mushrooms and the remaining birds dilute the wine and let it over heat until it will be narrowed.

Pour the polenta slices and serve immediately.

Birds with polenta

Calories calculation

Calories amount per person:


Ingredients and dosing for 4 persons


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