Surprise rabbit

Surprise rabbit
Surprise rabbit 5 1 Stefano Moraschini


Regular pieces cut the rabbit, place it in a bowl and sprinkle with plenty of red wine, perfumed with Laurel leaves and the juniper berries.

Let it marinate for 24 hours, then drain thoroughly and carefully passes each piece in flour.

Meanwhile, in a pan with the bottom pan, FRY in boiling oil white onion along with the chopped Bacon, merging, when both the onion and lard are well browned, even rabbit pieces, making sure that the latter is rosolino evenly.

Add salt and continue cooking, basting occasionally with a little red wine marinade.

After having placed the rabbit on a heated serving dish, pass through a sieve the cooking by diluting it Blueberry jam.

Then add the fresh cranberries and simmer a few minutes.

This sauce must be served separately, just lukewarm.

Surprise rabbit

Calories calculation

Calories amount per person:


Ingredients and dosing for 4 persons


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